Tuesday 30 April 2013

Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases: From Past Till Present

Enduring health problems is simply a part of being human. Although the specific nature of our health challenges may change, our ancestors, like us, were seeking solutions to their ailments throughout history. These days, with the medical and technological interventions, we have effective cures for many diseases and illnesses. However still there are certain diseases for which an ideal pharmaceutical treatment is still lacking.

One of such conditions is Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is one of a myriad of autoimmune diseases in which the body attacks itself. RA is a condition which can lead to the deconstruction of the cartilage, deformation of joint integrity and in some cases even an attack on the internal organs.

Cures for Rheumatoid Arthritis…

There are many modern drugs which are being used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. In fact, Humira, which is a form of drug in the ‘Biologic’ range is now one of the highest grossing revenue drugs in the world. Other similar drugs, such as Enbrel, are also very popular to treat this disease with a long-term approach.

Holistic treatments have also quietly been developing in the background and show promising signs of slowing down the effects of the condition and can be used in parallel to medical treatment. Although it is relatively uncommon practice to rely on natural treatments alone to deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis, they can make the difference for a patient between feeling like their life is going downhill to feeling that they have some control over their future and over their pain. 

Once damage to a joint has progressed, it is very difficult to reverse the loss of cartilage. Although there is some work being undertaken in the area of stem cell therapy, at the time of writing this technology has not yet become a standard available treatment for the general public.

Patients who are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis often do their own research towards ways that can help them get out of pain, aside from their constant medications. This can be a frustrating experience, since many natural healing experts contradict each other when it comes to the best way forward. This is partly because autoimmune conditions can have food sensitivity issues, which vary from person to person, and the digestive system of each individual varies in it’s level of functionality.

So, in autoimmune conditions, food plays an important role in the external symptoms of an individual, and to get effective results the offending foods need to be withheld from the diet, and the digestive system of the individual needs to be healed comprehensively. As of now, following the Paddison Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment has considerably helped people in recovering from the condition.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Comprehending What It Takes To Treat Arthritis Naturally

Out of the unrelenting and chronic illnesses prevailing in the world, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most serious and progressive. If left untreated, the pain from RA can be unbearable and deterioration can occur rapidly. The distribution of people suffering from this illness consists mostly of the women in comparison to men and most commonly begins in the age bracket of 30 – 50 years, yet it can occur at any age.

Treatments for RA

People suffering from RA use medications and follow the recommendations of their specialist doctor, or Rheumatologist. However the effectiveness of these medications vary from person to person and patients who are already suffering would understand that the drugs and medication are only capable of masking the symptoms and are ineffective at treating the underlying cause.

Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Moreover, some of the more severe medications can have additional side effects if utilized for a long time by releasing damaging chemicals and toxins into the bloodstream. Other severe medical conditions include fatigue, heart burns, stomach ulcers, stroke or even gastro-intestinal bleeding.

Natural Remedies

On the other hand, those seeking a natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis will normally approach their journey towards wellness using an effective diet and relevant physical therapies. Physical therapies such as Bikram Yoga and other heated yoga classes have many positive testimonials on multiple websites. As for heat applied directly to the joints, there may be some relief by employing heating packs, electric blankets or hot packs for temporary relief from painful joints. However, this is normally cumbersome and incapable of addressing the severity of the inflammation for any long-term value.

It has been proved in the studies that people suffering from RA when consuming a 100% pure vegetarian diet showed considerable improvement within the period of 30 days. A diet for RA patients should also exclude dairy, caffeine, salt, refined sugar, alcohol, gluten and eggs. This leaves ample and nutritious foods such as root vegetables (pumpkins, sweet potatoes, potatoes) along with legumes (lentils, chic peas) and grains (rice, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth) which can be tested into the diet by the patient and pain levels monitored carefully. Sometimes foods high in potassium can also be beneficial, such as centeloupe and orange juice. Orange juice may have the additional benefit of increasing stomach acid which is often low in people with RA, allowing undigested food to enter their digestive tract unchecked.

A switch to a vegetarian lifestyle may be challenging for many, but rarely will anything be as challenging as living with RA pain itself. So many people who have made the switch have seen the benefits for themselves and are now great advocates of a plant-based diet to RA to help keep the disease progression to a minimum.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Discover natural ways to heal rheumatoid arthritis disease

In the present day and age, naturopathy or alternative medication has emerged as a phenomenal health restoration process. Natural therapies are based on the theory of vitalism which states that a special energy force manipulates the metabolism and other bodily functions. This integrative healing works in conjunction with conventional treatment to help suppress the underlying cause and even the consequences of drugs and surgery.

The term naturopathy was coined in late eighteenth century. It is a multi modality approach and encompasses a wide spectrum of therapies that impose varied effect over diseases. In today’s world, thousands of individuals are afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis disease. Being an autoimmune illness, it leads to inflammation of joints. 

How it occurs?

Rheumatoid arthritis has no known cause, yet there are m any theories as to it’s origin such as bacterial infection, viral or fungal infection, ‘leaky gut’ theory numerous others. RA is a degenerative disorder which breaks down the joint lining and in severe cases the joint itself. The inflammation occurs owing to the immune system attacking the joints. It brings about excruciating pain, discomfort and substantial loss of mobility. Persistent soreness greatly affects the physical, psychological and emotional well being of the patient.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Cure

  • Dietary supplements
Scientific studies have shown that saturated fats appear to be a trigger of the disease. So avoid consumption of oils and animal products such as butter, cream, bacon, steak etc. Omega- 3 fatty acids and probiotics exhibit positive results over the recovery process. So it is a fine balance between intaking the ‘right’ fats and promoting the healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Although dietary supplements are highly popular as a perceived ‘magic bullet’ for this disease, nothing beats finding the right balance in food itself. 
  • Yoga and regular exercise
Studies have shown that regular exercise especially yoga can decrease the tenderness and inflammation of joints within a span of few weeks. These workouts are highly recommended by medical practitioners to improve the health condition. Many who have practiced Bikram Yoga have given the highest praise to this heated sequence, which enables many to improve their condition of their joints in conjunction with the appropriate diet.
  • Acupuncture
It is amongst the oldest methodologies used to offer relief from rheumatoid arthritis. By perforating thin needles at specific points, acupuncturist blocks pain receptor. This therapy stimulates endorphins that suppress the pain caused from the disease and may, in some patients, allow for a reduction in pain medications. 

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Creating the right diet for rheumatoid arthritis patients

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune inflammatory disease which is categorized by persistent irritation in joints. It brings about the swelling and thickening of synovial lining of joints, excess synovial fluid, annihilation of cartilage as well as progressive bony erosion.

Acute condition of this dreaded disorder often ends up in disability, joint destruction and reduced life span. People of any age and sex can experience this dismal progressive illness, yet women are three times more likely to incur the disease than men. Presently there is no effective remedy for the disease and the medical approach is to ‘treat the disease as early as possible’ using medications so as to ‘minimize long term damage’.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

In current times, researchers recognized the link between rheumatoid arthritis and diet. Healthy food is capable of reducing the risk, and in some cases reversing, all chronic health problems from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and autoimmune cases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.  Thus, a patient will often look for information regarding a rheumatoid arthritis diet, yet without the right information it is difficult to achieve positive results.

The ideal diet for a  rheumatoid arthritis sufferer is one that lowers inflammation, does not trigger joint pain, and even allows the body to heal the underlying cause. Such a Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet is not easy to stumble upon, since sufferers of RA have many food sensitivities that vary from one patient to the next. As a result, foods that are perfectly fine for one patient may cause aggressive joint pain in the other. In addition to this, the digestive functionality of each patient varies, thus their ability to tolerate foods is also different from person to person.

A low-fat vegan diet has been repeatedly shown to reduce symptoms of RA in most people. This diet allows the healthy bacteria within the intestinal tract to replenish, damage to the intestinal wall (caused by yeast and other pathogens) to heal, lower excess acidity in the body, re-establish a protective mucosal lining on the inner intestinal wall and all enzyme activity to improve. An elimination diet, followed by a low-fat vegan diet, is a way of identifying troublesome food sensitivities and build an eating foundation that is unique to each patient and non-aggravating to their Rheumatoid Arthritis.