Tuesday 30 April 2013

Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases: From Past Till Present

Enduring health problems is simply a part of being human. Although the specific nature of our health challenges may change, our ancestors, like us, were seeking solutions to their ailments throughout history. These days, with the medical and technological interventions, we have effective cures for many diseases and illnesses. However still there are certain diseases for which an ideal pharmaceutical treatment is still lacking.

One of such conditions is Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is one of a myriad of autoimmune diseases in which the body attacks itself. RA is a condition which can lead to the deconstruction of the cartilage, deformation of joint integrity and in some cases even an attack on the internal organs.

Cures for Rheumatoid Arthritis…

There are many modern drugs which are being used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. In fact, Humira, which is a form of drug in the ‘Biologic’ range is now one of the highest grossing revenue drugs in the world. Other similar drugs, such as Enbrel, are also very popular to treat this disease with a long-term approach.

Holistic treatments have also quietly been developing in the background and show promising signs of slowing down the effects of the condition and can be used in parallel to medical treatment. Although it is relatively uncommon practice to rely on natural treatments alone to deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis, they can make the difference for a patient between feeling like their life is going downhill to feeling that they have some control over their future and over their pain. 

Once damage to a joint has progressed, it is very difficult to reverse the loss of cartilage. Although there is some work being undertaken in the area of stem cell therapy, at the time of writing this technology has not yet become a standard available treatment for the general public.

Patients who are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis often do their own research towards ways that can help them get out of pain, aside from their constant medications. This can be a frustrating experience, since many natural healing experts contradict each other when it comes to the best way forward. This is partly because autoimmune conditions can have food sensitivity issues, which vary from person to person, and the digestive system of each individual varies in it’s level of functionality.

So, in autoimmune conditions, food plays an important role in the external symptoms of an individual, and to get effective results the offending foods need to be withheld from the diet, and the digestive system of the individual needs to be healed comprehensively. As of now, following the Paddison Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment has considerably helped people in recovering from the condition.